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"WeListen" Blog

New Solutions Deliver Food Transparency Across the CPG Supply Chain

Reading a food label in a store

Consumers want to know what is in their CPG products. They depend on reading labels to find out, but how accurate is this information?

If the data on labels is not up-to-date, customers will not be well-informed. This is why food transparency is a critical part of your CPG packaging. A 2017 study found 98% of respondents think transparency is important for packaged food, while 70% reported their food purchases are often or always influenced by label content.

The Connecting Food Solution

Consumers need the right information. Connecting Food provides digital transparency that increases value for food manufacturers. Consumers will feel more confident about their food choices because they are receiving accurate data.

Blockchain powers the Connecting Food platform. LiveAudit®, a digital auditing module, was built using this technology.

LiveAudit enables consumers to trace products in real-time and audits quality. This ensures all product guarantees are maintained by manufacturers.

How It Works

Connecting Food provides complete transparency for the consumer. Founders Maxine Roper and Stefano Volpi are committed to working with agrifood players who value food transparency as much as they do. They seek to build a community that will increase awareness and improve the entire food industry.

Food producers are working hard to ethically source food locally. Connecting Food offers a tool to showcase this vital information to consumers.

Customers access the Connecting Food web-based app on their smartphones. When shopping, they scan the QR codes on each package and access all the food chain data. Everything from where the food originated to how it is grown and manufactured will be displayed.

The information shown is specific to each product batch. This results in different information each time a new product is scanned.

Reading a food label.

Connecting Food provides complete traceability. This builds brand loyalty through customer trust.

Consumers can use the Connecting Food platform to verify their favorite brands’ commitment to providing details such as food origin, sustainability, and agricultural practices. The solution also provides audit information, which is only used in cases when annual audits or product recalls occur.

The ability to link batches together for real-time auditing and traceability shows how each company is committed to honoring its food transparency promises. Providing accurate specifications ensures customers always have the most up-to-date information.

Connecting Food uses blockchain technology to identify product compliance. Information is registered on a blockchain, so it always remains current.

When a product is not compliant, it can be placed in a different supply chain where it does meet the standards. This cuts down on food waste.

Blockchain technology is used in a variety of industries to store and access data. According to research, corporations are expected to spend $20 billion each year on blockchain services by the end of 2024.

This will create a public record of transparency that is completely traceable. Customers who use the solution will grow with their favorite brands. 

As the food industry evolves, customers will change with it. Connecting Food enables manufacturers to build better relationships with consumers through food transparency. And the company is getting ready to introduce its services in the United States in the first half of 2021. 

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