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How to IMMEDIATELY Bring Attention to Your Product with Effective Packaging Design

72% of consumers say packaging design influences their purchasing decisions.

Iconic packaging like the bear-shaped honey bottle or heart-shaped chocolate box is memorable. It can become associated with a brand or type of product. Here are five steps you can take to ensure consumers will quickly notice your product through effective packaging design.

Keep It Simple

Creative packaging doesn’t always mean the most colorful, attention-grabbing design. Keeping it simple and clear can be just as enticing.

Minimalistic packaging design looks more subtle and contains less clutter. Consider how consumers will use your product. Think about your brand message and what you want to communicate through the CPG packaging.

Cardboard package.

Keep Their Attention

Once you have the attention of consumers, you need to keep it. This requires creativity and emphasis on all the details, big and small.

One way to do this is through an effective packaging design. Consider a box in the shape of your product or in the shape of something that symbolizes your brand message. A simple, engaging design will make your CPG packaging stand out and keep your brand memorable.

Think of details that will make consumers want to pick up the product and inspect the packaging or brand more closely. Holding it in their hand gets them one step closer to purchasing it.

Prioritize Typography in Your Packaging Design

Your product name should stand out online and on store shelves. Consumers should easily be able to read it along with other text you include like ingredients or instructions for use.

The right design is crucial. Graphics are a great way to draw attention to your product, but text should always be legible and easy to locate.

Text should be large enough to read without taking up too much space on the CPG packaging. It should also be visible with the background colors.

Go Green

Sustainability is important to many consumers. They want products and CPG packaging made from sustainable materials.

Many consumers research brands to learn about their environmental impacts. Adding green packaging enables them to directly support the environment.

Place your sustainability information on the packaging. This will reflect your brand’s values and efforts.

Green packaging.

Think Outside the Box

Be creative when developing new packaging designs. For example, use different bottle shapes for liquids or use three-dimensional designs.

Don’t be afraid to try new looks. This keeps the process fun, fresh, and interesting.


The right packaging design will help you attract consumers. They pay attention to the packaging because it’s what they see first. Color is an important part of an eye-catching design, with 85% of consumers saying color is the main reason they purchase a certain product. 80% also believe color increases brand recognition. Think of all the elements that make your brand recognizable and learn how to incorporate them into your packaging design.

PKG Brand Design is always at the forefront of new CPG branding and packaging initiatives. Subscribe to our blog for the latest package design industry news!


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