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"WeListen" Blog

Our Favorite Photographers - Pohuski Studios

One of the best parts of our job is often the ability to work with other talented people and at the top of our list are some of our favorite photographers and illustrators.

Sardines - Michael Pohuski

Baltimore based Pohuski Studios is one of our all-time favorite photographers to partner with. We've been very fortunate to work with Michael Pohuski and his talented team for many years now and love the dedication and skill they bring to every project. Michael is truly a craftsman with the camera and brings the appetite to everything he shoots.

Artisan Pizza - Michael Pohuski

Michael Pohuski - Grilled Cheese - PKG

Michael Pohuski - Baby Back Ribs - PKG

Michael Pohuski - Mexican Hot Chocolate

Michael Pohuski - Baked Chicken - PKG



More photos and information on Pohuski Studios can be found at Pohuski.com.


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